Bruker SMART APEX CCD Single Crystal Diffractometer


Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemistry
Supramolecular Organic and Organometallic Chemistry Centre
Str. Arany János, nr. 11, RO-400028, Room 3
Phone: 40-264-593833
Contact person: Acad. Cristian Silvestru, e-mail: cristian.silvestru(at)


Bruker SMART APEX CCD Single Crystal Diffractometer

Equipment description and characteristics

Single-crystal diffractometer system Bruker SMART APEX installed at Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is complex equipment consisting of Charge-Couple Device (CCD) Area Detector for single crystal frame data collection and imaging, D8 goniometer, graphite monocromator, rotative shutter, safety housing for the sealed tube, X-ray generator X Kristalloflex K760-80, X-ray tube X KFN-Mo-2K-90, software packages SMART, ASTRO, SAINT and SHELXTL. X-ray generator is cooled by a heat exchanger Water Cooling Unit Type 1000 (Water/Air). As annexes the diffractometer has a cooling unit for low temperature determinations.

For the samples preparation, a NIKON SMZ1000 microscope is used. Aditionally the NCXRD has access to Cambridge Structural Database (CSD).

Apllications / Uses

  • Full determination of the molecular structure - a complete data collection with the structure determination
  • Unit cell determination - data collection and refinement for a unit cell determination.
  • Data collection - data acquisition and data refinement.

Access to the offered services is provided to all applicants. Due to safety regulations (the equipment operates with X-ray radiation) the access in the laboratory is strictly limited. For further information contact the laboratory manager at e-mail:


Conf. Dr. Richard A. VARGA – crystallographer, laboratory manager
Prof. Dr. Anca SILVESTRU – responsible for image
Lector Dr. Albert SORAN – crystallographer, responsible for CCDC database
Lector Dr. Alexandra POP – crystallographer
Conf. Dr. Ciprian I. RAȚ – researcher