Selected Publications 
Professor Dr. Emil Cordos 




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  1. ELECTRONICA PENTRU CHIMISTI, E. Cordos si I. Marian, Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1978. 
  2. SPECTROMETRIA DE ABSORBTIE SI FLUORESCENTA ATOMICA, E. Cordos si C. Manoliu, Editura Academiei, Bucuresi, 1984. 
  3. ANALIZA PRIN SPECTROMETRIE ATOMICA E. Cordos, T. Frentiu, A.M. Rusu, M. Ponta, A. Fodor, 287+ X pagini. Ed. Institutul National de Optoelectronica, Bucuresti, 1998. 
  4. ANALIZA PRIN SPECTROMETRIE DE ABSORBTIE MOLECULARA IN UV-VIS. E. Cordos, T. Frentiu, A.M. Rusu, M. Ponta, E. Darvasi, 280+ XI pagini. Ed. Institutul National de Optoelectronica, Bucuresti, 2001 








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    I. Review published by Editura Academiei  
    1. Sur un nouveau procedee de preparation du bioxide de soufre en partant du sulfate de calcium. C.Liteanu si E. Cordos, Rev. Roumaine Chim., 1967, 12, 985. 
    2. Etude de l'equilibre liquide-solide du systeme ternaire CaSO4-LiCl-KCl. C.Liteanu Si E. Cordos, Rev. Roumaine Chim., 1967, 12, 989. 
    3. Automatic Potentiometric Titration in Molten Media. C. Liteanu, E. Cordos si L. Margineanu, Rev. Roumaine Chim., 1970, 15, 583. 
    4. An Automatic Ratemeter for Consecutive Slope Measurements. E. Cordos, Rev. Roumaine Chim., 1970, 15, 661. 
    5. An Automated System for Cyclic Chronopotentiometry. E. Cordos, I. Angyalosy si C. Dimitrescu, Rev. Roumaine Chim., 1978, 23, 449. 
    6. Evaluation of a CH4-O2-air Flame for Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. E. Cordos si G. Barceanu, Rev. Roumaine Chim., 1978, 23, 287. 
    7. Temperature Profile of a Methane-air-oxigen Flame and the Atomic Fluorescence Signal. E. Cordos, L. N. Kekedy si V. Munteanu, Rev. Roumaine Chim., 1979, 24, 43. 
    8. Analog Device for Derivation of Spectral Curves in Flame Photometry. E. Cordos si L. Muresan, Rev. Roumaine Chim., 1984, 29, 867. 
    9. Microprocessor Operated Scanning UV-Vis Monochromator. E. Darvasi, H. Mioscu, A. Moraru, C. Oancea si E. Cordos, Rev. Roumaine Chim., 1989, 34, 961. 
    10. Optimization of the Determination of Lithium Using the Methane-Air Flame as Excitation Source. L.N.Kekedy and E.A.Cordos, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1998, 43 (2), 111-116. 
    II. Analele sau buletinele stiintifice ale universitatilor 
    1. O noua metoda pentru determinarea indiului. C. Liteanu si E. Cordos, Bulet. Inst. Politehnic IaSi, 1961, VII, 127. 
    2. O noua metoda pentru dozarea nichelului. C. Liteanu si E. Cordos, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1962, 7, 117. 
    3. O noua metoda pentru determinarea aciditatii libere în solutiile metalelor grele. C.Liteanu, E. Cordos Si M.Pop, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1962, 7, 121. 
    4. O noua metoda de analiza prin cromatografie de gaze a sistemului SO2-CO2-Cl2-aer. E. Cordos si L.Trica, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1968, 13, 5. 
    5. Relaxation Techniques for the Study of Fast Reaction in Solution. C.J.Delaney si E. Cordos, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1969, 14, 5. 
    6. O noua metoda cinetica de determinare a acidului uric. E. Cordos si E. Cîrlig, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1970, 15, 13. 
    7. Asupra determinarii vitezei de reactie prin metoda integrarii. E. Cordos, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1970, 15, 17. 
    8. Device for Automated Operation Programming on Felix CE-33 Calculator. E.Cordos, I. Marian si L. Muresan, Stud. Univ. Babes- Bolyai, Chem., 1975, 20, 41. 
    9. Interface for Direct Introduction of Chemical Data into Felix CE-33 Calculator. E.Cordos si C. Dimitrescu, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1976, 21, 3. 
    10. Studiul si caracterizarea unui sistem de nebulizare pentru fotometria de flacara. E. Cordos, A. Popescu, A. Fodor si M. Cosma, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1984, 29, 57. 
    11. Un spectrofotometru în domeniul vizibil de constructie româneasca. E. Cordos, I. Catineanu, A. Moraru, L. Savici, A. Pop, D. Pop, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1985, 30, 24. 
    12. Semiconductor Gas Sensors.I. Installation for Obtaining Gas Standards in the Air. M. Anton, I. Leoca, D. Ghete, C. Roman, N. Prodan, I. C. Popescu si E. Cordos, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1988, 33, 92. 
    13. Microprocessor Driven Prism Monochromator for Automated Spectrophotometry. A. Fodor, S. Leoca si E. Cordos, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1988, 33, 49. 
    14. Semiconductor Gas Sensors.II. Sensor and Device for the Determination of Ethyl Alcohol Vapours in Air. M.Anton, F.Puskas, C.Roman, N.Prodan, I.C.Popescu si E. Cordos, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1990, 35, 3. 
    15. Semiconductor Gas Sensors.III. The operating Mechanism of a SnO2 Based Sensor for Ethanol. M. Anton, F. Puskas, C. Dancescu, I. C. Popescu si E. Cordos, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1990, 35, 12. 
    16. A Comparative Study Between a Capacitive-type Humidity Sensor Using Methacrylate-co-polymer and a Capacitive-type humidity sensor using polyimide. C. Roman, O. Bodea, A. Levi, N. Santa, N. Prodan, E. Cordos si I. Manoviciu, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 
    17. Figures of Merit for a Sequential Spectrometer with Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Source. E. Cordos, T. Frentiu, A. Fodor, M. Ponta, A. Rusu si L. N. Kekedy, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1995, XL, 1-2, 13. 
    18. Analysis of Calcium, Natrium and Lithium using a Capacitively Coupled Argon Plasma Emission Spectrometry. E. Cordos, T. Frentiu, A. Fodor, S.Anghel, A. Rusu, M. Ponta si S. Negoescu, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1995, XL, 1-2, 1. 
    19. Capacitive-type Humidity Sensor Based on Methacrylate-co-polimer and Polyimide. C. Roman, O. Bodea, , A. Levi, N. Prodan, E. Cordos si I. Manoviciu, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Chem., 1995, XL, 1-2, 1. 
    20. Some Fundamental Characteristics For a Rf Capacitively Coupled Argon With Tip-Ring Plasma Electrode Geometry. S.D.Anghel, E.A.Cordos, T. Frentiu, A.M.Rusu, A. Simon, E. Darvasi, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Physica., 1996, XLI, (1), 103. (aparut in 1998) 
    21. Spark and Glow Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometry - Nondestructive Methods for Solid Sample Analysis. S.D.Anghel, A. Simon, T. Frentiu, E.A.Cordos,, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Physica., 2000, XLV, (2), 3-12. 
    22. Very Low Power Radiofrequency Capacitively Coupled Plasma Sustained in Air for Liquid and Solid Sample Analysis by Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. S.D.Anghel, A. Simon, T. Frentiu, E.A.Cordos,, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Physica., 2000, XLV, (2), 33-30. 
    III. Scientific review 
    1. Stadiul actual al automatizarii metodelor de determinare a vitezei de reactie. E. Cordos, Chimia Analitica, 1970, 1, 11. 
    2. Tendinte în automatizarea analizelor chimice. E. Cordos si M.Mioscu, Rev. Chim. (Bucuresti), 1976, 27, 888. 
    3. Un spectrofotometru modular de constructie româneasca. E. Cordos, I. Catineanu, L. Savici si D. Pop, Rev. Chim. (Bucuresti), 1983, 34, 1111. 
    4. Sistem de prelucrare a semnalului în fotometria de flacara. E. Cordos, A. Fodor si L. N. Kekedy, Rev. Chim. (Bucuresti), 1984, 35, 346. 
    5. Evaluarea unui fotodetector cu siliciu pentru fotometria de flacara. E. Cordos, A. Fodor, A. Popescu si L. N. Kekedy, Rev. Chim. (Bucuresti), 1984, 35, 531. 
    6. Senzor si aparat pentru detectia CO din aer. M. Anton, F. Puskas, C. Roman, N. Prodan, I. C. Popescu si E. Cordos, Rev. Chim. (Bucuresti), 1989, 40, 1000. 
    7. Refractometru cu linie de diode pentru determinari în flux. E. Darvasi si E. Cordos, Rev. Chim. (Bucuresti), 1989, 34, 614. 
    8. Un generator de plasma cuplata inductiv. S. Anghel, A. Popescu, F. Racz, E. Tataru si E. Cordos, Rev. Chim. (Bucuresti), 1989, 40, 344. 
    9. Sistem de dozare si fotometrare pentru analiza automata . A. Fodor, A. Moraru, A. Pop si E. Cordos, Rev. Chim. (Bucuresti), 1989, 40, 525. 
    10. Polimeri utilizati ca senzori de umiditate. O. Bodea, C. Roman, A. Levi, E. Cordos si I. Manoviciu, Materiale Plastice, 1995, 2, 115. 
    11. Obtinerea si studiul suprafetelor metalizate prin carbocromizare. L. Bese, E. Cordos, Metalurgia, 1996, 48 (12), 76-80. 
    12. Steels carbochromising for wear resistance applications. L. Bese, E. Cordos, Metalurgia, 1996, 1 (4), 52-57. 
    13. The Influence of the Lipophilic Salt Added to thr PVC-based Membrane upon Response of a Magnesium-selective Electrode. I. Leoca, O. Pogaceanu, I.C.Stefan, E. Cordos, Romanian Journal of Optoelectronics, 1997, 5 (3), 21. 
    14. Deviation from local thermodinamic equilibrium in a capacitively coupled radiofrequency plasma spectral source. S.D.Anghel, T. Frentiu, A. Popescu, A. Simon, E.A.Cordos, Romanian Journal of Optoelectronics, 1997, 5 (3), 37. 
    15. A Rapid Optical Method for Determination of Deposited Urban Dust and Soot Quantity. E. Cordos, S. Tita, D.Gomoiescu, E. Darvasi, M. Nicola, Romanian Journal of Optoelectronics, 1997, 5 (3), 55. 
    16. The Response of a Modified PVC - based pH Electrode. I. Leoca, I.C.Stefan, E.A.Cordos, Romanian Journal of Optoelectronics, 1997, 5 (4), 9. 
    17. Polymer Composite Sensors for Ammonia Detection. O. Bodea, C. Roman, N. Santa, E. Cordos si I. Manoviciu, Romanian Journal of Optoelectronics, 1997, 5 (4), 31 
Instrumentation for Kinetics, Emil A. Cordos in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry 
R.A. Meyers (Ed.) pp. 11165-11190, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2000.
ISI Rated  

















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  1. An Automatic Digital Readout System for Reaction Rate Methods. E. Cordos, S. R. Crouch si H. V. Malmstadt, Analyt. Chem., 1968, 40, 1812. 
  2. Reaction Rate Methods of Chemical Analysis. H. V. Malmstadt, C. J. Delaney si E. Cordos, C.R.C. Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 1972, 559-619. 
  3. Automated Reaction Rate Methods of Analysis. H. V. Malmstadt, E. Cordos si C. J. Delaney, Analyt. Chem., 1972, 44 (12), 39A. 
  4. Instruments for Rate Determinations. H. V. Malmstadt, C. J. Delaney si E. Cordos, Analyt. Chem., 1972, 44 (12), 79A. 
  5. A New Automated Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer for Rapid Multielement Determination. H. V .Malmstadt si E. Cordos, American Laboratory, 1972, 4, 35. 
  6. Characteristics of Hollow Cathode Lamps Operated in an Intermitent High Current Mode. E. Cordos si H. V. Malmstadt, Analyt. Chem., 1973, 45, 27. 
  7. Programmable Power Supply for Operation of Hollow Cathode Lamps in an Intermitent Current Regulated High Intensity Mode. E. Cordos si H. V. Malmstadt, Analyt. Chem., 1972, 44, 2407. 
  8. Dual Channel Synchronous Integration Measurement System for Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy. E. Cordos si H. V. Malmstadt, Analyt. Chem., 1972, 44, 2277. 
  9. Programmable Monochromator for Accurate High Speed Wavelenghth Isolation. E. Cordos si H. V. Malmstadt, Analyt. Chem., 1973, 45, 425. 
  10. A Burner Pneumatic Nebulizer System for Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy. E.Cordos , R. Kaley si H. V. Malmstadt, American Laboratory, 1973, 5, 5. 
  11. Multisampling Rotating Disc Module for Spectrometric Analytical Methods. C. Efstatiou, E. Cordos si H. V. Malmstadt, Analyt. Chem., 1979, 51, 58. 
  12. Capacitively Coupled Plasma with Tip-ring Electrode Geometry for Atomic Emision Spectrometry. Analytical Performance and Matrix Effect of Sodium and Potassium Chloride. E. Cordos, S.Anghel, T. Frentiu, A. Popescu. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 1994, 9, 635. 
  13. Elemental Speciation of Pb, Zn and Cu in Sedimented Dust and Soil Using a Capacitively Coupled Atomic Emission Spectrometer as Detector. E. Cordos, T. Frentiu, A. Rusu si Gh. Vatca. The Analyst, 1995, 20, 725. 
  14. Comparison Between Tip-ring Electrode and Single Tip Electrode Geometries for an Atmospheric-Pressure Capacitively Coupled Plasma. E. Cordos, T. Frentiu, A Fodor, A. Rusu si S. Negoescu., ACH, Models in Chemistry, 1995, 132, 313. 
  15. A Capacitive-type Humidity Sensor Using Cross-linked Poly(methyl-metacrylate-co-(2-hidroxypropyl)-methacrylate). C. Roman, O. Bodea, N. Prodan, A. Levi, E. Cordos, I. Manoviciu, Sensors and Actuators B, 1995, 25, 710. 
  16. Analytical Performance of an R.f. Capacitively Coupled Plasma for Atomic Emission, with Tip-ring Electrode Geometry. T. Frentiu, A. Rusu, M. Ponta, S. D. Anghel si E. Cordos. Fresenius, J. Anal. Chem., 1996, 355, 254. 
  17. The Analysis of Conductible Solid Samples by R.F.Capacitively Coupled Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure. S. D. Anghel, T. Frentiu, A. Rusu, L.Bese, si E. Cordos, Fresenius, J. Anal. Chem., 1996, 355, 252. 
  18. Characteristic Temperatures and Electron Number Densities in an R.F. Capacitively Coupled Plasma. S. D. Anghel, T. Frentiu, E. Darvasi, A. Rusu, A. Simon si E. Cordos. Fresenius, J. Anal. Chem., 1996, 355, 250. 
  1.  A Capacitive-type Humidity Sensor Using Cross-linked Poly(methyl-metacrylate-co-(2-hidroxypropyl)-methacrylate). C. Roman, O. Bodea, N. Prodan, A. Levi, E. Cordos, The Fifth International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, Proceedings, Roma, Iulie 1994, vol 2, 937. 
  2. The influence of the electrode geometry on the analytical signal in r.f. CCP. The determination of some heavy metals in the industrial poluted air. E. Cordos, T.Frentiu, A.Fodor, Michaela Ponta, Ana Maria Rusu, S.Negoescu. Lucrarile celei de a X-a Conferinte Maghiare de Spectroscopie (X Magyar Molekulaspektroszkopiai Konferencia), Kaposvar, Ungaria, iulie 1994, Vol I, p 173-177. 
Presented at
  1. An Automatic Digital Readout System for Spectrometric Measurement of Reaction Rate. E. Cordos si H.V.Malmstadt. Prezentata la 7-th National Meeting, Society for Applied Spectroscopy, Chicago, Mai, 1968. 
  2. A New Type of Automated Atomic Fluorescence Spectrophotometric Instrument for Rapid Multielement Quantitative Determination. E. Cordos si H.V.Malmstadt. Prezentata la Pittsburg Conference, Cleveland, martie 1972. 
  3. Developments in Excitation Source, Flame/Nebulizer and Measurement System for a New Type of Automated Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer. E. Cordos si H.V.Malmstadt. Prezentata la Pittsburg Conference, Cleveland, martie 1972. 
  4. An ICP Sequential Spectrophotometer. E. Cordos. Prezentata la Al 8-lea Congres National de Spectroscopie al Cehoslovaciei, Ceske Budejovice, iunie 1988. 
  5. Analitical Determinations in Unipolar Plasma. E. Cordos, S. Anghel si A. Fodor. Prezentata la XXII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, Bergen, Norvegia, iunie 1991. 
  6. Analytical determination in an Rf Capacitively Coupled Plasma. E. Cordos, S. Anghel, T. Frentiu si A. Popescu. Prezentata la XXIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, York, UK, iunie, 1993 
  7. Influence of Rh on Semiconductor Properties of SnO2. M. Anton, C.Roman si E. Cordos. Prezentata la Eurosensors VII, Budapesta, sept. 1993. 
  8. Materiale polimerice utilizate în constructia sezorilor de umiditate de tip capacitivCecilia Roman, O.Bodea, M.Anton, F.Puskas, N.Prodan, E.Cordos, Sesiunea Anuala a Institutului de Chimie a A.S.R.M., Chisinau, 4 -7 mai, 1993 
  9. Elemental Speciation of Pb, Zn and Cu in Sedimented Dust and Soil Using a Capacitively Coupled Atomic Emission Spectrometer as Detector. E. Cordos, T. Frentiu, A. Rusu si Gh. Vatca. Prezentata la The Second International Symposium on Speciation of Elements in Toxicology and in Environmental and Biological Sciences, Loen, Norvegia, iunie 1994. 
  10. The influence of the electrode geometry on the analytical signal in r.f. CCP. The determination of some heavy metals in the industrial poluted air. E. Cordos, T.Frentiu, A.Fodor, Michaela Ponta, Ana Maria Rusu, S.Negoescu. Prezentata la A X-a Conferinta Maghiar de Spectroscopie (X Magyar Molekulaspektroszkopiai Konferencia), Kaposvar, Ungaria, iulie 1994. 
  11. Analytical Performance of an R.f. Capacitively Coupled Plasma for Atomic Emission, with Tip-ring Electrode Geometry. T. Frentiu, A. Rusu, M. Ponta, S. D. Anghel si E. Cordos. Prezentata la XXIX Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, Leipzig, sept., 1995. 
  12. Humidity Sensor Using Poly[(methyl-methacrylate) - co- (vinyl crotonate)-co-((2 -hydroxyethyl)-methacrylate)]. O.Bodea, Cecilia Roman, N.Santa, E.Cordos, I.Manoviciu, European Conference on Analytical Chemistry, EUROANALYSIS IX, Bologna 1 -7, sept. 1 - 7, TU P 15, 1996 
  13. The Study of Chemical and Ionization Interference for some Alkaline and Alkaline-Earth Elements in Capacitively Coupled Plasma. E. Cordos, T. Frentiu, S. Anghel, A-M.Rusu, M. Ponta, A. Fodor. Prezentata la 5-th SAS Symposium on Analytical Sciences, Nisa, iunie, 1997. 
  14. Analytical Characterization of a Capacitively Coupled Plasma Torch with Central Tube Electrode and Ring Electrode Geometry. E. Cordos, T. Frentiu, A-M.Rusu, S. Anghel,, M. Ponta, A. Fodor. Prezentata la 5-th SAS Symposium on Analytical Sciences, Nisa, iunie, 1997. 
  15. Radiofrequency Capacitively Coupled Plasma Torch with Central Tubular Electrode and Outer Ring Electrode. T. Frentiu, A.M.Rusu, S.D.Anghel, A. Popescu, A. Simon, E.A.Cordos. Prezentata la 40-th Hungarian conference on Spectrochemistry, June 29 - July 4-th, 1997, Debrcen, Hungary. 
  16. Fundamental Characteristics and Analytical Performances of an Ar CCP with Axial View. S.D.Anghel, A.D.Rada, E.A.Cordos, T. Frentiu, A.M. Rusu. A. Popescu and A. Simon. Prezentata la 3-rd General Conference Of the Balkan Physics Union,Cluj-Napoca, 2-5 sept. 1997, Romania 
  17. Solid Sampling using a Radiofrequency Capacitively Coupled Plasma Source. E.A.Cordos, S.D.Anghel, A. Popescu, A. Simon, T. Frentiu, Prezentata la 8-th (International) Solid Sample Spectrometry Colloquium, Budapest, Hungary, sept.1-4, 1998. 
  18. Low power radio-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas as atomizing and spectral sources for atomic emission. E. Cordos, la Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXI Ankara, Turcia, September 5-10, 1999. 
  19. From local disaster to complex disaster with transboundary implications: the cyanide spill from Baia Mare, Romania. E Cordos; Rautiu R.; Gherhes I.; Bolchis R.;Roman C.; Bodea O. 13th Congress of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology ( ISEE 2001 ) Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 2 - 5. September 2001 
  20. Arsenic and heavy metal exposure in Romania (EXPASCAN). Cordos E.; Rautiu R.; Roman C.; Bodea O.; Frentiu T. 13th Congress of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology ( ISEE 2001 ) Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 2 - 5. September 2001 
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