Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Cluj-Napoca


M.E.E.M.B. 2009

Volume of papers presented at M.E.E.M.B. 2009

Cluj-Napoca October 16-17, 2009

Dear Colleagues,
The “Babes-Bolyai” University at Cluj-Napoca, Romania, together with the Timisoara and Cluj branches of the Romanian Academy, organize the 9th edition of the symposium “Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology”, MEEMB-9. As the name implies, the topics of the conference will include metal ion toxicity and mechanisms thereof (including oxidative stress), homeostasis, bioaccumulation, pollution, catalysis and interaction with biologically relevant ligands, all viewed at scales varying from systemic, to supramolecular and further to atomic-level. Contributions to the symposium are expected in the forms of invited lectures, oral presentations and posters; like in the previous editions, presented papers will be published in a book series (“proceedings”) dedicated to the symposium.

Main topics
I. Research on Metal Trace- and Macroelements:
                        1. Environment and Geochemistry
                        2. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
                        3. Internal Medicine: Cardiology, Nephrology  a.o.
                        4. Pathobiochemistry, Toxicology and Pharmacology
5. Physico-chemical methods in Inorganic Biochemistry
6. Physiology and Physiopathology
7. Nutrition, Food Sciences and Biotechnologies
                        8. Bone and Muscle Metabolism
                      9. Surgery, Dentistry, Implantology
                    10. Mechanisms of interaction with living matter
                    11. Others
II. Analytical and Bioanalytical Methods for Metal Trace- and Macroelement Determination
III. Varia
IV. Promotional exhibitions

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