Computer Aided Process Engineering Research Centre
Name of the centre Computer Aided Process Engineering Research Centre
Legal status The centre is deploying its activities within Babeş-Bolyai University
Foundation Accreditation given by the National Council of Scientific Research for Higher Education, in 2001 and then in 2006
Director Prof.PhD.Eng. Paul-Şerban AGACHI
Scientific Council Prof.PhD.Eng. Vasile-Mircea CRISTEA (Vice-director)
Prof.PhD.Eng. Călin-Cristian CORMOȘ
Assoc.Prof.PhD.Eng. Simion DRĂGAN
Address Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
11 Arany Janos Street, 400028 Cluj-Napoca
tel: +40-264-593833 ext. 5689, 5659
fax: +40-264-590818
web: http://www.chem.ubbcluj.ro/romana/ANEX/inginerie/centre/ccdicac_2016_eng.html
e-mail: sagachi@chem.ubbcluj.ro, (mcristea@chem.ubbcluj.ro)
Members of the research centre
No. Name Scientific title/equivalent
1 Agachi Paul-Şerban Professor/Scientific researcher I
2 Cormoş Călin-Cristian Professor/Scientific researcher I
3 Cristea Mircea-Vasile Professor/Scientific researcher I
4 Barabas Réka Assoc.Prof./Scientific researcher II
5 Cormoș Ana-Maria Assoc.Prof./Scientific researcher II
6 Csavdari Alexandra Ana Assoc.Prof./Scientific researcher II
7 Drăgan Simion Assoc.Prof./Scientific researcher II
8 Gorea Maria Assoc.Prof./Scientific researcher II
9 Imre-Lucaci Árpád Assoc.Prof./Scientific researcher II
10 Indolean Cerasella Liliana Assoc.Prof./Scientific researcher II
11 Miclăuş Vasile Assoc.Prof./Scientific researcher II
12 Miclăuș Adina Lucreția Assoc.Prof./Scientific researcher II
13 Mişca Radu-Barbu Assoc.Prof./Scientific researcher II
14 Burcă Silvia Lecturer/Scientific researcher III
15 Goga Firuța Lecturer/Scientific researcher III
16 Petrescu Letiția Lecturer/Scientific researcher III
17 Sabou Dana-Maria Assist.Prof.dr./Assist. researcher
18 Bizo Liliana Antonela Assist.Prof.dr./Assist. researcher
19 Chelaru Daniela-Julieta Assist.Prof.dr./Assist. researcher
20 Szabolcs Fogarasi Assist.Prof.dr./Assist. researcher
21 Gherman Maria PhD Student/Assist. researcher
22 Szabo Laszlo-Zsolt PhD Student/Assist. researcher
23 Chisăliță Dora Andreea Assist. researcher
24 Simon Gabriela-Niculina Engineer I
25 Timiş (Ani) Cristina Elisabeta Scientific researcher III
26 Botar Claudiu-Cristian Scientific researcher III
27 Brehar Marius PhD Student/Assist. researcher
The organizing structure of the Center
Mission and research directions The operation and development mission of the Research Centre aims for:
  • Increasing the role and importance of the applied scientific research in the field of chemical (process) engineering and of the multidisciplinary scientific research at Babes-Bolyai University, using computer aided tools;
  • Development of the scientific-research oriented human resource by valorisation of the experienced researchers’ knowledge for supporting the formation of high skilled young researchers;
  • Increasing the competiveness of the Computer Aided Process Engineering Research Centre on the market of high technology services and products;
  • Strengthening the collaboration connections with the traditional industrial partners (such as EMERSON, ROMPETROL, SAINT GOBAIN) and identification of new ones (enabling access to the national and international founding sources).
The research centre offers the frame for performing applied and fundamental research work and for the formation of the human resources by modelling, simulation, control and optimization of chemical processes, developing applications aimed to the following research fields:
  • Chemical process intensification using mass, heat and momentum transfer specific methods;
  • Reaction and bio reaction engineering;
  • Systems for energy conversion, coal based clean technologies, sources of renewable energy, carbon dioxide capture and storage;
  • Environment protection (waste water treatment and air purification, risk assessment and security of the industrial systems, river and air pollution simulators, WWTP simulation and control);
  • Nanomaterials and biomaterials, advanced ceramics design and characterization;
  • Biomedicine, food, agriculture, biotechnologies;
  • Design and implementation of energy systems monitoring and management;
  • Computer aided design of control systems for process engineering;
  • Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms) in Chemistry and Process Engineering;
  • Development of e-learning instruments, distance learning and implementation of the remote laboratory concept.
Services offered by the Research Centre The Research Centre offers the following services:
  • Consultancy and technical support for increasing efficiency of chemical plants operation, based on mass, heat and momentum transfer specific methods;
  • Consultancy and technical support for the design and implementation of measuring (monitoring) systems and of traditional or advanced process control systems;
  • Development of studies for poly-generation energy vectors with CO2 capture and storage on the basis of coal co-gasification, renewable energy resources or wastes;
  • Development of IT systems for monitoring and energy management of industrial plants;
  • Development of modeling, simulation and optimization studies chemical and biochemical processes;
  • Consultancy and technical support for the production of oxide materials and biomaterials based on hydroxyapatite;
  • Development of modeling/simulation IT products and services for applications in the food, medical and pharmaceutical areas;
  • Development of e-work and e-learning applications.
Ongoing grants and
  • FReSMe - From residual steel gases to methanol, Horizon 2020, Call: H2020-LCE-2016-RES-CCS-RIA, Project ID: 727504, 2016-2020, Project leader from the BBU side: Călin-Cristian Cormoș
  • SEWGS - Technology platform for cost effective CO2 reduction in the iron&steel industry, Horizon 2020, Call: H2020-LCE-2014-1, Project ID: 640769, 2015-2019, Project leader from the BBU side: Călin-Cristian Cormoș
  • Pro-active operation of cascade reservoirs in extreme conditions (floods and droughts) using Comprehensive Decision Support Systems (CDSS). Case study: Jijia catchement, Natiobnal Project, UEFISCDI, TEHNOLOGIA INFORMAȚIEI, 2013-2016, Project leader from the BBU side: Agachi Paul-Șerban
  • Optimizarea tehnico-economică și a impactului asupra mediului a integrării tehnologiilor CCS în centralele electrice pe combustibili fosili solizi și surse energetice regenerabile (biomasă), Proiecte colaborative de cercetare aplicativă (PCCA), 2012-2016, Project leader from the BBU side: Călin-Cristian Cormoș
  • Producerea de hidrogen din compuși hidroxilici rezultați ca deșeu la prelucrarea biomasei, Proiecte colaborative de cercetare aplicativă (PCCA), 2012-2016, Project leader from the BBU side: Călin-Cristian Cormoș
  • Metode inovative de captare a dioxidului de carbon prin chemical looping aplicate sistemelor de poli-generare vectori energetici decarbonizați, Proiecte de cercetare exploratorie (PCE), 2011–2016, Project leader from the BBU side: Călin-Cristian Cormoș
  • Determinarea caracteristicilor calcarului brucitic de Budureasa în procesul de desulfurare la centralele termoelectrice pe cărbune, director Contract terți 1388/2014-2016
  • Dezvoltarea unor noi implanturi şi compozite inteligente bazate pe nanotehnologie avansată cu multiple aplicaţii medicale, membru în proiectul DONTAS Parteneriate, Contract 171/2012-2016, Director from other institution
  • Dezvoltarea unor nanomateriale inovative printr-o nanotehnologie avansată cu aplicabilitate în profilaxia afecţiunilor dentare şi parodontale – UEFISCDI 2014-2016, Director from other institution
  • Studiul tehnologic privind utilizarea instalației existente pentru fabricarea sulfatului de cupru din deșeuri de cupru comparativ cu utilizarea instalației existente pentru fabricarea sulfatului de cupru din cupru electrolitic=cupru nou - Contract cu mediul economic 2015-2016, Contract de prestări servicii Nr.35888 02.12.2015, Director from other institution
  • Evaluarea riscurilor de dezastre la nivel național (RO-RISK), cod SIPOCA 30 cofinanțat prin Fondul Social European, în baza contractului de finanțare nr. 3/17.03.2016 încheiat cu Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale și Administrației Publice, Director from other institution.
last modification: october 2016