Web of knowledge for


Contract number

EuroNanoMed2, no.4 - 005/2013

National Authority: UEFISCDI


Multifunctional Injectable Nano HAp Composites for the Treatment of

Osteoporotic Bone Fractures (NanoForOsteo)  















· Dissemination:


NanoForOsteo Project: Multifunctional injectable nano HAp composites for the treatment of osteoporotic bone fractures


Workshop-ul internaţional şi prima vizită de lucru a Consorţiului European din cadrul proiectului internaţional NanoForOsteo s-au desfăşurat la Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai (UBB) din Cluj-Napoca şi în laboratoarele din Centrul de Chimie Fizică, Departamentul de Inginerie Chimică, Facultatea de Chimie şi Inginerie Chimică, în perioada 28-31 mai 2014. Proiectul de cercetare NanoForOsteo este intitulat “Compozite multifuncţionale injectabile care conţin nano hidroxiapatite pentru tratamentul fracturilor pe os osteoporotic”. Acest eveniment a fost prezentat in ziarul Faclia si pe news.ubbcluj.ro:


1) Ziarul FACLIA, Revista presei, Stiri de ultima ora, Stiri Locale
14-15 Iunie 2014 a prezentat:

UBB, gazda primei vizite de lucru a Consorţiului European din proiectul internaţional NanoForOsteo

Articolul integral se gaseste in Ziarul Faclia, 14-15 Iunie 2014; o copie se afla in Photo Gallery.


2) Informare: Home, Comunicate de presa, Noutati, Universitatea  Babes-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca



Workshops – Meetings for the NanoForOsteo Project:


In the project meetings, the consortium partners regularly present high quality, current reports of scientific and technological progress and best practices used through the multi-disciplinary field of the project from nanotechnology, nano biomaterials, drug delivery systems, to the nanomedicine on osteoporotic bone.


Kick off Meeting of the Project Partners: Venue: Riga, Latvia; Riga Technical University: Institute of Chemical Engineering and Rūdolfa Cimdiņa Riga Biomaterials Innovation and Development Centre; Meeting date: 15-11-2013 - 19- 11- 2013


Kick off Meeting of our joint Euro Nano-Medicine project took place in Riga on November 15-19, 2013. At this beginning meeting, all project coordinators from the 5th research Units in Europe participated and presented their infrastructure: laboratories and equipments in agreement with the research proposal. Also, we took action on the research activities and we tried to optimize our collaboration for our successful European research project.


The First Meeting of the Project Partners: Venue: Babes-Bolyai University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Physical Chemistry Center, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Meeting date: 28-05-2014 – 01-06-2014.


The first consortium meeting was hosted by Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Physical Chemistry Center, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and took place in Cluj-Napoca. With this occasion, we presented the infrastructure within Physical Chemistry Center, all laboratories and equipments in agreement with the research NanoForOsteo project. Also, we tried to optimize our collaboration for our successful European research project. At this meeting, the technological platform for nano phosphates pure and multi-substituted with different cations was deeply presented and discussed within the laboratories of Physical Chemistry Center, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Moreover, we made various joint experiments to demonstrate the manufacture of optimised products and discussed the requirements for the final NanoForOsteo products with biomedical applications.


The Second Meeting of the Project Partners, Venue: Bordeaux, France, ICMCB-CNRS, 87, Av Dr. A.Schweitzer, 33608 Pessac & HPBioTECH, 31 avenue de la Poterie, 33170 GRADIGNAN ; Meeting date: 21-11-2014 – 25. 11.2014.


These project meetings were very important for the exchange of scientific ideas and for the deeply discussions of obtained results across all project objectives and deliverables to finally realize the implementation of project results in the field of nanomedicine, with the aims to enhance the treatment of osteoporotic bone fracture. In addition, the high-pressure protocol for the sterilization of paste made of inorganic particles and injectable hydrogel was discussed. Some important joint experiments were made. Visits in the labs were made and all equipments were commented.


The 3rd Meeting of the Project Partners, Venue: Riga, Latvia, Riga Technical University: Institute of Chemical Engineering and Rūdolfa Cimdiņa Riga Biomaterials Innovation and Development Centre; Meeting date: 02.05.2015 – 06.05.2015.


Project meetings provided the framework of discussions among consortium partners on high quality current reports of scientific and technological results and progress, at the mid term of the project. It was emphasized the project management, mile stones and deliverables up to that date. Also, the drug delivery systems to the osteoporotic bones were debated in details.


The 4th Meeting of the Project Partners, Venue: Campo Blenio, Ticino, Switzerland; AO Foundation, AO Research Institute for musculoskeletal regeneration, biomedical and orthopaedic applications; Meeting date: 03-10-2015 – 07-10-2015.


Every partner successfully presented the original results in agreement with the working plan and with all scientific and technological activities. Research data identified the best concentration of nano materials and of multi-functional composites for osteoblast and osteoclast biocompatibility. The cellular behaviour and the evaluation of cytotoxicity represent an essential step for quick in vitro osteogenesis /osteoclastogenesis. In addition, the possibility for joint publications or inventions was discussed. These aspects will be emphasized in the project NanoForOsteo meetings, next year in 2016.

International Conferences (3):


1. M. Tomoaia-Cotisel, Gh. Tomoaia, A. Mocanu,

“Effects of maturation conditions on the structure of hydroxyapatite nanopowder”,

at „the SUN-SNO-GUIDENANO Sustainable Nanotechnology”, Conference, Venice,

9-11 March, 2015. http://www.susnano.org/Posters_2015SNO-SUN-GN.html


2. Gh. Tomoaia, A. Tomoaia-Cotisel, A. Mocanu, M. Tomoaia-Cotisel

“Innovative hydroxyapatites, collagen and chitosan scaffolds for enhanced adhesion,

growth and bioactivity of human osteoblasts in vitro”,

at “The 20th International Conference on Composite Materials: ICCM20”,

Copenhagen, 19-24 July, 2015. http://www.iccm20.org/scientific-program


3. C. Garbo, A. Mocanu, V. Almasan, R. Balint, Gh. Borodi, I. Bratu,

O. Horovitz, M. Tomoaia-Cotisel,

“Effects of preparation conditions and the presence of surfactant on the

hydroxyapatite nanopowders”,

at „The 10th International Conference - Processes in Isotopes and Molecules",

Cluj-Napoca, 23-25 September, 2015. http://pim.itim-cj.ro/programme.php

Ph. D. Thesis (3)


1. C. Garbo,

“Cercetarea si dezvoltarea unor nanostructuri de interes biologic si biomedical“,

Teza de doctorat, Conducator stiintific M. Tomoaia-Cotisel,

Universitatea Babes-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca, in progres.


2. A. Danistean,

“Sinteza si caracterizarea fizica si chimica a unor materiale hibride formate din biopolimeri

si diverse nanoparticole anorganice“,

Teza de doctorat, Conducator stiintific M. Tomoaia-Cotisel,

Universitatea Babes-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca, in progres.


3. R. Balint,

“Prepararea si caracterizarea unor nano hidroxiapatite dopate cu diversi compusi

biologic activi cu aplicatii biomedicale“,

Teza de doctorat, Conducator stiintific M. Tomoaia-Cotisel,

Universitatea Babes-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca, in progres.


Dissemination 2016:


The 5th Meeting of the Project Partners: Venue: Babes-Bolyai University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Physical Chemistry Center, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Meeting date: 21-04-2016 – 27-04-2016.


The 5th consortium meeting was hosted by Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Physical Chemistry Center, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and took place in Cluj-Napoca. With this occasion, we presented the recent developments of NanoForOsteo innovative materials in agreement with the research NanoForOsteo project.

NanoForOsteo new materials were synthesized and physically and chemically characterized. The optimum concentrations of essential elements were determined to have enhanced biological activity in cells culture and consequently, to be appropriate for fracture treatment of osteoporotic bones.

Also, we tried to intensify our collaboration for our successful European research project. At this meeting, the technological platform for nano phosphates pure and multi-substituted with different cations and anions was deeply discussed and we made various joint experiments to demonstrate the advance nanotechnology of optimised products and discussed the requirements for the final NanoForOsteo products with biomedical applications.


The 6th Meeting of the Project Partners, Venue: Bordeaux, France, ICMCB-CNRS, & HPBioTECH; Meeting date: 17-11-2016 – 22-11-2016.


These project meetings were very important for the deeply discussions of obtained results across all project objectives and deliverables to finally realize the implementation of project results in the field of nanomedicine, with the aims to enhance the treatment of osteoporotic bone fracture. The exchange of scientific and technological results was very intense and an working plan was developed to finalize all products and increase the number of ISI publications or the number of inventions. In addition, the high-pressure protocol for the sterilization of pastes and powders made of inorganic particles, injectable hydrogel and injectable composites was discussed and evaluated. Some important joint experiments were made. Visits in the labs were made and all equipments were commented and planned for future collaborations.


National Conferences (1):


1. M.Tomoaia-Cotisel,

“Cercetare biomedicala de frontiera de la bio-interfete multi-functionale la biomateriale si inginerie tisulara”,

Oral Presentation, Sesiunea Stiintifica de Primavara 2016 a Academiei Oamenilor de Stiinta din Romania,

Bucuresti, 27-28 May, 2016.


International Conferences (2):


1. M.Tomoaia-Cotisel, A.Tomoaia-Cotisel, Gh.Tomoaia, A.Mocanu,

“Innovative substituted hydroxylapatites and collagen scaffolds for enhanced adhesion, growth and proliferation

of human osteoblasts in vitro”,

Oral Invited Conference, Biomaterials 2016, London, UK, 14-16 March, 2016;

published in J. Biotechnol. Biomater., 2016, 6:1(Suppl);

2. M.Tomoaia-Cotisel,

“Frontier biomedical research: from multi-functional bio-interfaces to nano biomaterials and tissue engineering,

Oral Invited Conference; International Conference ICONAN 2016: Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology,

Paris, 28-30 Sept., 2016.


Ph. D. Thesis (3): one will be presented on 16 Dec 2016 and 2 in progress

1. C. Garbo,

“Cercetarea si dezvoltarea unor nanostructuri de interes biologic si biomedical“,

Teza de doctorat, Conducator stiintific M. Tomoaia-Cotisel,

Universitatea Babes-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca, sustinuta public, 16 Decembrie 2016.

2. A. Danistean,

“Sinteza si caracterizarea fizica si chimica a unor materiale hibride formate din biopolimeri

si diverse nanoparticole anorganice“,

Teza de doctorat, Conducator stiintific M. Tomoaia-Cotisel,

Universitatea Babes-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca, in progres.

3. R. Balint,

“Prepararea si caracterizarea unor nano hidroxiapatite dopate cu diversi compusi

biologic activi cu aplicatii biomedicale“,

Teza de doctorat, Conducator stiintific M. Tomoaia-Cotisel,

Universitatea Babes-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca, in progres.